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I guess I just like liking things

For the last Batman Week entry, I want to liveblog one of the movies in the marathon this weekend, but I can’t decide whether to do Batman or Batman Forever.

Batman Pro: I love this movie. It is still my go-to answer to the “What’s your favorite movie?” question.
Batman Con: Since I love it so much, the liveblog would probably devolve into My Problems With This Movie, Even Though It’s Awesome, and that doesn’t lend itself to my code of positivity here.

Batman Forever Pro: I could GTiBS that sucker
Batman Forever Con: This movie is not very good.

Ack! Decision too hard! It will most likely be a game-time decision. Follow along on Twitter for up-to-the-minute reports!

Here’s the viewing schedule for the marathon, in case you’d like to watch along at home. Times are Eastern and in military.

Friday, January18
18:00 Batman
20:10 Batman Returns
22:16 End

Saturday, January 19
9:00 Batman Forever
11:04 Batman & Robin
13:11 Batman Begins
15:33 The Dark Knight
18:08 The Dark Knight Rises
20:53 End

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