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I guess I just like liking things

Author Archives: Mark

From the home office in Lafayette, Indiana, here are my ten favorite moments from the last Late Show (if you haven’t seen the last episode, it’s still here for the time being): 10. The look back at Taco Bell skit (video). It’s one of the best remotes Dave ever did, certainly, but that kind of […]


I stayed up to watch Letterman last night even though I was DVRing it and even though I knew I’d have a rough go of things today. Even though tonight’s episode is officially the last one, last night’s show was the “last” guest, Bill Murray, who was also Dave’s first guest twice. In an age where […]


A couple years back, I listened to Mumford & Sons’ “Sigh No More” album a grillion times. It didn’t leave my car’s CD player for weeks. When “Babel” came out, I listened to it not as much, maybe only a half-grillion times (scientists are still unsure what to name a half-grillion, so it remains “half-grillion” […]


You’re jokin’, you’re jokin’, I can’t believe my eyes You’re jokin’ me, you gotta be – This can’t be the right guy! -Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas, summing up most folk’s reaction to the most recent picture of Jared Leto as the Joker “Why does he have tattoos??” “What’s with the caps on […]


I have seen 67 of the 422 movies released in 2003, and I couldn’t make this list any shorter than 20. Just couldn’t bring myself to do it, sorry. So you get an extended list today (but no honorable/special mentions). Here are my favorites from 2003: 20. Final Destination 2 – My favorite of the […]

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