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I guess I just like liking things

Tag Archives: Xbox

Spell check keeps telling me that “videogames” isn’t one word, but I’m still the boss around here, spell check, so you can stick it up your nose. An end-of-the-year list of games suffers the most at my hands, compared to any other list. Games are the most expensive things and I tend to not buy […]

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It has been over a year since I’ve done a “What I’m Playing,” which seems weird to me. How have you people gotten along without this information? I just this week got a new phone, so I’ve reinstalled most of the games that were on the last one, but my save games mostly don’t transfer, so […]

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I, like most folks, enjoy lists and summations. Any time you boil a bunch of stats down into an easily-digested format, I’m all for it, especially if it’s not terribly important. A “Facts about cats” infographic is a great idea; a “Ways people were tortured for their convictions” one, not so much. So something that ties […]

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Over the weekend, Xbox Live Gold members who have an Xbox One were given the opportunity to play Forza 5 for free. It was a 40Gb download, but don’t look a gift game in the mouth, right? It took about 3 hours to get it downloaded and installed and I ended up playing it for […]

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Back in February I picked up the game Asura’s Wrath during a sale week on Xbox Live. Here’s what I had to say about it back then, after playing for a half hour or so: I… don’t know what this is. I’m a sucker for third person action-adventure games, but I don’t know what’s going […]

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