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I guess I just like liking things

Tag Archives: Seinfeld

  Leonard Nimoy died last week, aged 83. While he was an accomplished actor, director, author, and artist, he is, of course, most famous for playing Spock on Star Trek. It is impossible to write about Leonard Nimoy without writing about Spock, so infused was the character with the man. Much of the Vulcan mythos […]

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This past weekend saw the 25th anniversary of the first airing of Seinfeld. I didn’t start in with the show until much later, and I don’t remember which episode was the first I saw, but I have since seen every episode several times. While I would like to some day work up a list of […]

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Look, I get that making TV shows cost money. I know that studios have to be able to sell commercials to pay for all of that, and I understand that TV studios don’t exist to provide entertainment exclusively for me. But this canceling nonsense has to stop. There has to be a better way! I […]

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There are very few shows where I like every character. The show that comes closest is Scrubs, and if it weren’t for the ninth season I think it would actually do it (Cole ruins the streak). There are shows where I like most characters but don’t like a couple here and there (Seinfeld, Arrested Development) […]

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I love almost every episode of Seinfeld, all nine seasons-worth. I don’t like the first two seasons as much as the later ones, but there’s still a lot of great stuff in there. In fact, this video comes from the second season, episode eight, “The Heart Attack.” George watched a special about heart attacks on […]

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