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I guess I just like liking things

Tag Archives: Better Off Ted

Well, folks, that’s that. I didn’t quite take us a full year to get through 26 episodes, so that’s something!  It should also make you quite leery of me trying something more ambitious like Star Trek, Seinfeld, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. While I know the majority of you that followed along were fans of […]

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Well, here we are: the very last episode. While I can always be hopeful that NetFlix will resurrect the show for a third season, I know that is unlikely. I would think that my multiple watch-throughs of the available seasons would tip off their magical counting/decision-making genie, but I guess if it’s truly magical it […]

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Chet is one of my favorite auxiliary characters on this show. He’s a doofus, but a dangerous one – a boss who is a doofus is still a boss, and a boss can make your eight hours a day pretty miserable if he chooses. Chet is a weird mix of clueless and knowledgeable: matters of […]

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Two weird things happened in this episode: Ted acts very un-Tedlike around his brother Veronica and Linda work together very well without Veronica hassling Linda (well, not much, anyway – she does say Linda isn’t up to being “bad cop,” but that rang more as an assessment of talents than castigation) That first one started […]

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First it was Daleks, and now Veridian is stealing from Star Trek, trying to perfect a universal translator. This seems like a positive direction, but I think I’m in Phil and Lem’s camp: Veridian doesn’t deal in non-evil. They already have plans to use it in prisoner interrogations, and I’m sure there are other terrible […]

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