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I guess I just like liking things

Tag Archives: XB1

Spell check keeps telling me that “videogames” isn’t one word, but I’m still the boss around here, spell check, so you can stick it up your nose. An end-of-the-year list of games suffers the most at my hands, compared to any other list. Games are the most expensive things and I tend to not buy […]

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I know I’m late to this party. The first post in the Minecraft thread on my forum is from four years ago. Everybody but me was playing on the same server and building these crazy ornate temples and towers. I read along and looked at all the pictures and watched the videos and was amazed/intrigued, […]

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Last week I bought Minecraft for my XBox One. I feel I’m pretty much the last person on Earth to play this game, but I’ve come to understand that’s how it works: stuff I like before other people do never lasts and stuff other people like I don’t get around to liking until pretty late […]

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I, like most folks, enjoy lists and summations. Any time you boil a bunch of stats down into an easily-digested format, I’m all for it, especially if it’s not terribly important. A “Facts about cats” infographic is a great idea; a “Ways people were tortured for their convictions” one, not so much. So something that ties […]

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Over the weekend, Xbox Live Gold members who have an Xbox One were given the opportunity to play Forza 5 for free. It was a 40Gb download, but don’t look a gift game in the mouth, right? It took about 3 hours to get it downloaded and installed and I ended up playing it for […]

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