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I guess I just like liking things

Tag Archives: cats

Three GIFs for your viewing pleasure, and two of them feature cats. If you need more than that, click on the tGIF tag there and check out previous posts.  Have a great weekend!      

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We haven’t had a tGIF in a while and you’ve been so well-behaved that I figure you deserved one.              

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Sorry for not posting something sooner, folks, but I’m not feeling well, so there’ll be a little break in the action here. If someone has a Tuesday 10 they’d like to do for tomorrow, now would be a perfect time to tell me about it… To tide you over until I get back, here’s a […]

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Today is one of those rare days where I gripe on the site. But if you bear with me, I will reward you with three unrelated cat GIFs at the end. Deal?  Deal. I know people are split on the idea of achievements in games – some think they add to the enjoyment, some say […]

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Folks, I’ll just flat-out admit it: this was a tough week for me, idea-wise. I’m not saying that posting a cat video is admitting defeat, but it’s the closest thing.  If this compilation of cats being jerks wasn’t so great, I’d feel worse about it. Come back next week, when zwolanerd will see its first […]

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