December 19, 2014 tGIF: End of the Year Edition
This here’s the last post for 2014, folks. I’ve never had much luck trying to get things written over the holidays, so I’ve decided to embrace it and give you all a couple weeks off. We’ll be back in January, and if you want to know exactly when, it’s probably best you follow us on Twitter or add us to your RSS feed.
I thought about ending the week with a “Favorite TV Shows of 2014” list, but I think you’d rather have a couple of GIFs. We here at zwolanerd hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season and wish you all the best in the coming new year.

I can’t think of a witty caption that makes sense to anyone but me, so just enjoy the look on his face after he dunks.
I had a GIF of this next one, but it was way too large, so I’m just going to embed the video. Imagine it’s some sort of magical GIF that has sound!
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Internet, Site
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That last one got me. I laughed for 30 seconds or so.
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I know, right? Cracked me up, too :)
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Same! I was not expecting that!