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I guess I just like liking things

I’ve talked about Space Channel 5 before, how it’s a music-based rhythm game where intrepid space reporter Ulala saves the galaxy from the invading Morolians by dancing and how Space Michael Jackson shows up to help out a little. So I know you’re all familiar with it, even if you haven’t played it. The game is kitschy fun and quite unlike anything else I’ve ever played, though PaRappa the Rapper is close.

I own very little videogame memorabilia. I don’t really know why, other than the stuff I want is expensive and I don’t really have a place to display it. I’ve had my eye on some Mass Effect figures for a while, but just can’t bring myself to fork over the $20 per character. I can’t get past the “But what would I do with it?” question.

So it helps, I think, that one of the neatest pieces I own was given to me by a friend I had introduced to the game (coincidentally, she is also the friend I had to rely on to finish the game for me since I am rhythmically-challenged). The piece is “Ulala with Morolians (Resin Statue) (Tower Records Exclusive),” and I took care of the problem of not having a place to display it by taking it to work, where it sits on a shelf directly under a model of the U.S.S. Enterprise.  I don’t get many visitors in my office, and I have literally gotten less than five comments on any of my decor in the eight years I’ve been there. I think that’s very strange, because this is not the normal decor one usually has in an office. If I saw this in your office, I would certainly ask about it.

Here’s what it looks like (as usual, click to embiggen):

This is exactly the sort of outfit a space reporter who needs to save the galaxy by dancing might wear.

This is exactly the sort of outfit a space reporter who needs to save the galaxy by dancing might wear.


I think the Morolians are just about the most adorable invading aliens ever.

I think the Morolians are just about the most adorable invading aliens ever.


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