December 12, 2012 Monster of the Week
This isn’t a huge entry, but I’ve been wanting to share this for a while and couldn’t decide on a way to include it in a larger post. Besides, it’s just so wonderful that it deserves a standalone entry.
This person is watching through The X-Files and drawing a comic about each one, and it is just fantastic. You can tell she loves the show and also has a grasp on it in wonderful ways that come out in the comics. If you like the show, you’ll enjoy the comics, as each one is a nice reminder.
Honestly, it’s kind of making me want to watch through the series again. If I could draw, this is probably the sort of thing I would do about every show, so you should count your blessings.
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Internet, TV
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Comic #3 has not one, not two, but three “your FACE” rejoinders.
I’m in heaven.
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I thought this was going to be a post dissecting “monster of the week” tropes in tv shows. I am disappoint.
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I don’t do so well with dissection – I’m more of a celebrator!