September 9, 2014 Tuesday 9: Movies from 1980
Every time I cull the lists for these farther-back years, it cracks me up more and more. I know it’s not amusing in the sense that it’s funny to anyone else, but it is amusing to me and now I must keep going. There’s sure to be a year that I have seen no movies from, and I’m curious to see what year that is.
It turns out that I have only seen nine movies from 1980, and it’s hard to call most of them “favorites.” So instead of having a 3- or 4-item list, I’m just going to go ahead and rank all of them.
9. Popeye – There’s a lot of weird things about this movie, but the fact that it’s a musical might be the weirdest.
8. Somewhere in Time – The movie is meh, but it has absolutely my favorite all-time method of time travel: taking a nap.
7. Friday the 13th – Jason’s mom has got it going on, but the “it” in question is “lots of killing” in this instance.
6. The Blues Brothers – I didn’t see this movie until I was in my late 30s, and I had no idea before watching it that Carrie Fisher was in it. She was my favorite part. Extra bit of trivia: my favorite thing I’ve ever seen John Belushi in was that Little Chocolate Donuts commercial he did on SNL.
5. Caddyshack – I know I’m supposed to love this movie, but I just don’t. Sorry. Bill Murray’s the best part of it, certainly.
4. The Shining – I like this movie, but not in the sense of ever needing to watch it again.
3. Superman II – The best of the bad lot of the original quadrilogy, but still not great.
2. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – As of this date, still the best Star Wars movie ever made.
1. Airplane! – Yep, I liked this movie more than Empire Strikes Back.
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Movies
Permalink # d4v34x said
You do injustice to the time travel method in SiT. It’s not just taking a nap; it’s taking an earnest and intentional nap WITH A PENNY IN YOUR POCKET.
Permalink # Mark said
I apologize unreservedly.