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I guess I just like liking things

Category Archives: Site

It’s Weird Al Week! Why?  Circumstances! On Wednesday, I’m going to a 25th Anniversary screening of UHF, hosted by Weird Al himself. Two days later I’m going to see Weird Al in concert for the third time. Those two circumstances made me feel like it was Weird Al Week already, so it might as well […]

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It is very weird to me that in about a month and a half this site will have been around for a year. My original intention was to try my hand at it for a month, then two, then see where it went. The next goal should be, what, five years?  I don’t know how […]


Sorry for not posting something sooner, folks, but I’m not feeling well, so there’ll be a little break in the action here. If someone has a Tuesday 10 they’d like to do for tomorrow, now would be a perfect time to tell me about it… To tide you over until I get back, here’s a […]

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(and please understand that I use “dudes” the same way that some would use “mankind,” a genderless reference to all who are reading) I am half-done with today’s Better Off Ted rewatch article, but it isn’t going to be done before today is over, I’m afraid. I am going to shoot for Wednesday on it […]


The bad news: There’s no post this afternoon The good (depending on your POV) news: It’s because I’m going to do a liveblog tonight! This week I’ve been watching the X-Men movies to get prepared for The Wolverine this weekend. I’ve gotten through the first three, so the next one up is X-Men Origins: Wolverine, a […]